Janaina directs and manages AmazoniAlerta’s administration. She has extensive professional experience working with traditional peoples on educational and environmental issues.
She worked as Coordinator of Technological Professional Education and Coordinator of Distance Education at the Mato Grosso State Secretariat for Science and Technology (SECITEC) from 2006 to 2009, and worked with quilombola communities in the municipality of Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade/MT, coordinating the National Inventory of Cultural References (INRC) team in 2007 in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Palmares Foundation and the Mato Grosso State Secretariat for Culture. She was Superintendent of Indigenous Affairs of Mato Grosso/Vice Governor from 2009 to 2014 and among her activities she promoted the organisation, participation and support of the Indigenous Delegation of Mato Grosso at all stages of RIO+20. She was a full member of the Mato Grosso State Environment Council (2009-2015) and President of the 2ᵃ Appeals Judging Board – CONSEMA.
She has been accompanying the Indigenous Movement at the Terra Livre Camp since 2012, producing and organising ATL2018, ATL2019, ATL VIRTUAL 2020, Levante pela Terra, Luta pela Vida 2021, ATL 2022 and ATL 2023. Technical assistant for the Project for the Ethno-environmental Protection of Isolated and Recently Contacted Peoples in the Brazilian Amazon, Envira/Acre Region – Amazon Fund/BNDES – Center for Indigenous Work/CTI (2015-2018). Socio-environmental Analyst at the International Institute of Education of Brazil – IEB (2018-2021). Technical advisor for ANMIGA projects, production and organization of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Indigenous Women’s March, PAHO/SESAI Consultant.
Janaina has a Masters Degree in Population Ecology – Environmental and Forestry Sciences, is a specialist in Bioethics and Biosafety and is a graduate in Biological Science.