
Community based action

In Brazil:

Environmental Agents Teams

Our AmazoniAlerta Environmental Agents in Araribóia Indigenous Land comprises members, men and women, of the local Guajajara community. In rotation, team members undertake expeditions to patrol and monitor key areas...

Our second team of AmazoniAlerta Environmental Agents composed of members of the Amondawa community operates in the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indigenous land, in the state of Rondônia, monitoring vulnerable territories and gathering...

Legal Team

Legal Director & Lawyer

Carol directs both our overall and legal strategy. Carol is a specialist in the rights of uncontacted indigenous peoples. Alongside her work with AmazoniAlerta Carol is also a legal advisor...

Strategic Partnerships Director & Lawyer

Kari directs our partnerships within Indigenous communities and organizations and works on AmazoniAlerta’s legal actions. Kari is Indigenous of the Guajajara people of the Araribóia indigenous land and based in...


Lucas works on co-ordinating AmazoniAletra’s legal plan and executing specific legal actions. Lucas is a researcher in the field of constitutional history, with an interest in the intersection between law,...

Law Student Intern

Patrícia Juwi is an intern and recipient of a bursary from our program to support Indigenous law students. Patrícia, aged 20, is an Indigenous member of the Amondawa people and...

Law Student Intern

Jocivaldo is an intern and AmazoniAlerta’s inaugural recipient of a bursary to support Indigenous law students. Jocivaldo is a third-year law student at UniBras College, who lives and studies in...


Project Manager

Janaina directs and manages AmazoniAlerta’s administration. She has extensive professional experience working with traditional peoples on educational and environmental issues.  She worked as Coordinator of Technological Professional Education and Coordinator...

Administrative Assistant

Alice is an administrative assistant at AmazoniAlerta. Alice is currently an undergraduate student in Social Sciences (2016-current). She is an. activist and supporter of the indigenous cause.


Executive Coordinator

Ester is an executive coordinator and anthropologist. She has been working with indigenous peoples in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes since 2009. The main focus of her professional and...

Founder & Director

Eduardo founded AmazoniAlerta in 2019. Eduardo is a Brazilian neuroscientist, with a degree in biomedicine, a masters in psychopharmacology and a doctorate in neurosciences. He led studies on the effects...

In Europe:


Juliana Costa is an experienced Digital Marketing Strategist driven by results and a fervent commitment to environmental advocacy. Throughout her career, she spearheaded high-impact online marketing campaigns and media initiatives...

Fundraising Director

Nick directs our fundraising and communications. Outside of AmazoniAlerta Nick is an art curator and writer. He is Director of Modern Forms, a private art collection and curatorial platform. Previously...


Thomas supports our operations in Brazil and directs our administration in Europe. Thomas Hamre is a climate policy advisor. He has worked as a consultant for climate mitigation and food...

Intern - Fundraising & Marketing

Alexandra Marselou Interns for AmazoniAlerta, working on fundraising research and support and helps manage our social media output. Alexandra is based in Greece. She holds a B.A. in International Relations...


James is AmazoniAlerta’s Chairperson. James is a partner at Floreat Group, a private finance company based in London. In his over 30 years’ experience, he has managed some of the...


Benedict is an Ambassador for AmazoniAlerta. Benedict is a renowned actor. An Academy Award Nominee Benedict is best known for playing the title roles of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and ‘Doctor Strange’...


Sophie is an Ambassador for AmazoniAlerta. Sophie Hunter is an English avant-garde theatre and opera director, playwright and former performer. She made her directorial debut in 2007 co-directing the experimental...


  • Benedict Cumberbatch & Sophie Hunter
  • Ruth Powys & Ganesh Ramani
  • Derrick and Hannah D’Souza
  • Nick Hackworth
  • Peter Hackworth
  • James Wilcox
  • Andreas Sigefried
  • Pippa & Johnny Hornby
  • Paradise Row Projects
  • Ka’a Body (Sandra Benites & Anita Ekman and all participating artists)
  • Shezad Dawood
  • Billy Fraser
  • Hogbens Dunphy 
  • Rainforest Fund
  • Alan & Caroline Howard
  • Jessie Fortune Ryan 

Rainforest Fund

AmazoniAlerta’s Environmental Agents program is funded by the Rainforest Fund.

Founded in 1989, The Rainforest Fund funds programs and projects aimed at supporting Indigenous Peoples and traditional populations of the rainforests to assert their rights, to promote a sustainable development of their communities and to challenge governmental practices that have a damaging effect on their environment. Over more than 30 years of work, Rainforest Fund has partnered with Indigenous communities on approximately 300 multi-year projects in over 20 countries, with a particular focus on human rights of Indigenous Peoples and their battles against the illegal loggers, settlers, mining, and oil interests.


AmazoniAlerta’s logo is designed by Daiara Hori Figueroa Sampaio – Duhigô, of the Tukano indigenous people – Yé’pá Mahsã, Eremiri Hausiro Parameri clan of the Upper Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon, born in São Paulo. Daiara is an artist, activist, educator and communicator.

Daiara Tukano

Logo copyright © 2020 AmazoniAlerta


Video & images

Video and all images (except on the Donate page) by Victor Moriyama. One of Brazil’s foremost photojournalists, Victor is committed to documenting the violence that prevails in social and environmental relations in the country. He is a regular contributor to The New York Times, Bloomberg, Le Monde, National Geographic Brasil and El Pais.

Video and images copyright © Victor Moriyama

Image on Donate page by Guta Galli. Guta is a Brazilian interdisciplinary artist and performer.

Image copyright © Guta Galli


Web & Graphic Design

Oona Black

Pat Demarcq