Kari Guajajara, AmazoniAlerta Director, receives U.S. State Dept. Award for Global Anti-Racism

Kari Guajajara, AmazoniAlerta’s Strategic Partnerships Director and Legal Advisor to COAPIMA (Coordination of the Indigenous Peoples of Maranhão), was honoured as a recipient of the inaugural U.S. State Department’s Award for Global Anti-Racism. Kari was one of six civil society leaders from around the world recognised for advancing the human rights of members of marginalized racial, ethnic, and Indigenous communities and combatting systemic racism, discrimination, and xenophobia. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken presented the awards in Washington on Tuesday 9 August.

Kari, an Indigenous rights lawyer, is native from the Araribóia Indigenous land and belongs to the Guajajara-Tenetehára People, who have been suffering extensive losses of their traditional territories, devastating losses of life, and disruptions of tradition due to contact with non-Indigenous groups.